Do I Need A Leak Test For My Propane Supply Tank?

Should I Own Or Lease My Propane Storage Tank?
November 9, 2017
Should I Own Or Lease My Propane Storage Tank?
November 9, 2017

Do I Need A Leak Test For My Propane Supply Tank?

Keeping your propane system safe at times requires pressure testing and system inspection. Certain conditions require a propane gas system verification by means of a pressure test and/or a leak test according to NPGA, FNPA and FNGC guidelines. A pressure/leak test is required for:

  • New system or new customer
  • Occupancy change
  • Interruption of service (repairs, new equipment, gas shut off, etc.)
  • After a tank runs completely empty (“Out of Gas” situations)
  • Suspected Leaks
  • Disconnect and Lock Out due to unpaid account balance

If any of the above applies, then a pressure test and/or leak test is required before Kemgas can refill your propane tank. Additionally, industry standard best practice calls for a thorough inspection of all system components, from the storage tank, to piping, to appliances at least once every 5 years.

I Need a Pressure/Lest Test, What Now?

Trained Kemgas personnel are available to assist you with your system and tank testing. Accordingly, we have arranged for affordable and reasonable pricing for this service depending on the situation. our fee schedule is listed below:

Service Fee
Account Set Up Fee – Existing Systems/Occupancy Changes (Includes FREE Testing) $45.00 (Includes tax & fees)
New Tank Sets / New Construction &
New Propane Systems
No charge for testing
Existing System/Suspected Gas Leak $90.00/hour, with a minimum of one hour
“Out Of Gas” – “Regular Delivery” customers No charge for testing
Delivery Charge – This fee covers Government Fees (Including but not limited to Hazmat.) This fee is charged to your invoice each time a delivery is made $12.95
Regulatory Fee – This fee covers Government Fees (Including but not limited to Hazmat.) This fee is charged on all service orders and meter readings. $12.95
Shut Off Fee $35.00
System Interruption/ Turn On Fee – Anytime there is a interruption in service, a test must be performed. $90.00/hour, with a minimum of one hour
All Deposits Remain On Account Until They Are Closed $250.00 Deposit on all Metered Accounts (deposit amount varies by tank size for Bulk)

When conducting a propane system pressure/leak test Kemgas personnel always follow standard industry best practice as outlined by the National Fuel Gas Code.

If any leaks are found during the test the system must be red tagged and is legally prohibited from being restarted until the unsafe conditions have been repaired. In most cases, Kemgas personnel are capable of making the needed repairs to fix minor leaks. Large leaks may require additional repair scheduling or the use of a qualified propane repair contractor.

For customers that lease/rent their tanks from Kemgas, it is important to remember that the customer is responsible for the system downstream of the supply tank regulator, while Kemgas is responsible for the supply tank and the tank regulator.

Avoid Constant Leak Testing with Automatic Delivery!

The most common reason customers are required to have a leak test is because they leak the tank run out of gas, usually during winter months between deliveries. For this reason, we encourage everyone to keep a watchful eye on their levels and schedule a delivery BEFORE they run low.

Better yet, Kemgas has several automatic delivery plans available that places the responsibility of managing your propane levels on us! WE monitor your levels and schedule deliveries to make sure you never run out of propane. And if happen to run out at anytime, in addition to coming out to refill your tank, we will also perform the required leak testing for free!

Call us today for information on our automatic delivery plans, along with our new customer discounts!

Fort Bragg and Mendocino Coast – (707) 964 – 4774
Ukiah and Lake County – (707) 485 – 6127

Or sign up online using the link here: Kemgas New Customer Sign Up