How Much Propane Do I Need For The Year?

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How Much Propane Do I Need For The Year?

Brass Valve closed on a propane tank

How much propane does a home need each year? What factors com into play when estimate yearly, monthly, or weekly usage for prepay propane contracts?

Question: How much propane do I need?

It depends on a number of different factors unique to each customer.

Many things affect the amount of propane used in a house. For heating purposes, the size of the house, the average temperate maintained throughout the day, how well the house is insulated (double pane windows, attic insulation, brick or aluminum/vinyl siding, etc.)and the efficiency of the furnace all affect house much propane is used. For other uses, such as hot water tanks, and cooking stoves, the amount of use and type of heater/stove play a big role. In the end, we can usually estimate within a close margin how much is used per month/season/year, but its hard to say for certain.

The same water heater for a family of 8 will run much more often (and thus use more propane) than the same unit will for a married couple with no children. Additionally, two identically sized house will use different amounts of propane for heating if one has the thermostat set to 66F and the other set to 72F all winter long.

On average, we can estimate the following numbers for an average sized home and family:

Home Heating: 800 gallons per year
Water Heater: 300 gallons per year
Stove: 50 gallons per year
Dryer: 75 gallons per year

Remember, these are only averages. Especially with your home heating usage, this number can vary greatly. Your best bet, is to compare your usage from previous years, and consider whether anything that might affect the amount of propane used has changed (more or less people in the house, insulating improvements, new water tank/stove, etc.).

Kemgas would be happy to help provide assistance in determining how much propane you need. In our 70+ years of experience we have helped many to find the best propane delivery service plan to fit their home heating needs. Please give us a call and one of our specialists will be eager to assist you.

Fort Bragg and Mendocino Coast – (707) 964 – 4774
Ukiah and Lake County – (707) 485 – 6127

Or sign up online using the link here: Kemgas New Customer Sign Up